February 01 2025

Celebrating a Milestone: 3 Million Occurrences on Canadensys IPT!

We are thrilled to announce that the Canadensys IPT has hit a new milestone: 3 million specimen occurrences in our database! With 127 resources currently available, we’ve reached a total of 3,522,159 occurrences, encompassing 57,560 taxa and 10,005 observations. This achievement reflects the dedication of our contributing institutions, curators, and the entire biodiversity community who work tirelessly to make these data accessible.

Each new record brings us closer to understanding Canada’s rich biodiversity, and beyond our borders. These occurrences represent invaluable data points that help researchers, conservators, and the public gain insights into species distribution, habitat use, and the effects of environmental changes.

As we move forward, we are committed to further expanding our database and enhancing data quality. Here’s to the next million, and a huge thank you to everyone who has helped us reach this remarkable milestone!

Access the IPT

1,854,619 Plants

*Pyrola chlorantha* (Green-flowered Wintergreen) &copy nsferguson on iNaturalist. Observed in Cochrane, ON, Canada

1,196,567 Insects

*Mantis religiosa* (Western Eyed Sphinx) by &copy 
davidfbird on iNaturalist. Observed  in Taquanyah Conservation Area, Cayuga, ON, Canada

387,928 Other observations

Such as ornithological, herpetological, invertebrate and paleontological occurrences.

*Lepus arcticus* (Arctic Hare) by &copy PC Smith on iNaturalist. Observed  in Rankin Inlet, NU, Canada | *Alca torda* (Razorbill) by &copy vince929 on iNaturalist. Observed  in  Cape Saint Mary's, NL, Canada | *Aneides vagrans* (Wandering Salamander) by &copy enspring on iNaturalist in Gordon Bay, Cowichan Valley, BC, Canada

99,798 Fungi

*Cantharellus formosus* (Pacific Golden Chanterelle) by &copy tristan-plicata on iNaturalist. Observed  in  Fraser Valley, BC, Canada